Gebrüder Galli GmbH

For the Love of DriVing

Quality, perfection and attention to detail. That's what we're going for. At Gebrüder Galli, you and your wishes are at the center of everything.​

We are a young and flexible company that is your perfect contact for sports cars and premium vehicles.

We are the GaLLi Brothers.

Twice makes it better: because we have broad industry know-how, which has been built up over many years as a full-time professional and through intensive work on the subject of automobiles. Access to a selected, international network of strong partners enables us to exclusively source a large number of sought-after sports cars and premium vehicles.

And why is the rooster chasing us? Quite simply: Because Gallo (Galli) means rooster in Italian and we have the balls for the horsepower.

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Gebrüder Galli GmbH

About us

Petrol in the blood. Luxury in SENSE.

If you love sports cars, then we have a lot in common.

We take your wishes seriously and work with you to realize your dream of owning your own sports car or premium vehicle. Very individual, very special and very extraordinary.

Gebrüder Galli GmbH


Gebrüder Galli GmbH

Allerheiligen 12
8412 Allerheiligen bei Wildon

+43 664 2112405



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