Porsche 964 Carrera RS

Porsche 964 Carrera RS

Coupé, 1992


  • original RS + magnesium rims
  • matching numbers + colours
  • Porsche certificate

The special thing about this Porsche 964 RS is that all RS specifications installed at the factory are still preserved.

Porsche issued this RS with the Porsche Classic Certificate / Certificate of Authenticity.

It has matching numbers and matching colors and a Classic-Data appraisal condition 2+ with the value 240.000,-.

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Das Fahrzeug im Detail

The special thing about this Porsche 964 RS is that all RS specifications installed at the factory are still preserved.
On 02.10.2023 this original RS was examined in the Porsche Classic Center Berlin.
Porsche issued this RS with the Porsche Classic Certificate / Certificate of Authenticity.
It has matching numbers and matching colors.
A current Classic-Data appraisal condition 2+ with the value 240.000,- and a new H-approval are available!

All bidding takes place on Getyourclassic.com. There you will also find the detailed description, as well as photos/videos that fully represent the car and its history, as well as the possibility to ask questions directly. The text is only a short summary of our full description.


Baujahr: 1992
Erstzulassung: April 1992
Modell: 964 Carrera RS
FIN: WP0ZZZ96ZNS490866
Karosserie: Coupé
Baureihe: 964
Laufleistung: 65802 km
Leistung: 260 PS
Hubraum: 3,6 Liter
Lenkung: links
Getriebe: Manuell
Antrieb: Heckantrieb
Kraftstoff: Benzin
Zulassungsdokumente (Klicken zum Öffnen): 10-Gutachten-15.jpg
Ausstattung: ABS Servolenkung
Innenmaterial: Leder
Innenfarbe: Schwarz
Außenfarbe: Silber
Hersteller Farbbezeichnung (außen): silver metallic S7
Sonderfarbe (PTS): ja
Matching Numbers: ja
HU gültig bis: September 2025
Zustand: Teilrestauriert
Neu / gebraucht: Gebrauchtwagen
Fahrbereit: ja
Land der Erstauslieferung: Italien
Anzahl Fahrzeughalter: 2
Fahrzeugstandort: DEDeutschland

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