Porsche 964 Carrera 2

Porsche 964 Carrera 2

Coupé, 1991


  • Low Mileage
  • Hard to find
  • Well maintained

Nice and well maintained 964 Tiptronic. Low mileage and in ready to enjoy condition! Becoming harder and harder to find these nice examples. It’s early life in Japan most likely helped to survive, we all know how well they take care of their cars!

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Das Fahrzeug im Detail

This 964 just had a big maintenance at a well known Porsche specialist in the Netherlands. I must have had an easy life looking at the state the car is in and the low mileage. This example has the Tiptronic gearbox. What is interesting is that is drives way more direct and faster than the later type (993 – 996) kind of Tiptronics. It is lively and enjoyable to drive and could even function as a daily driver!

The car is equipped with cup mirrors and cup wheels (16″), leather interior, fully electric seats and climate control!


Baujahr: 1991
Erstzulassung: April 1991
Modell: 964 Carrera 2
Karosserie: Coupé
Baureihe: 964
Laufleistung: 113000 km
Leistung: 250 PS
Hubraum: 3,6 Liter
Lenkung: links
Getriebe: Automatik
Antrieb: Heckantrieb
Kraftstoff: Benzin
Ausstattung: ABS Servolenkung Klimaanlage
Innenmaterial: Leder
Innenfarbe: Schwarz
Außenfarbe: Blau
Hersteller Farbbezeichnung (außen): Nachtblau Perlcolor 37W
HU gültig bis: April 2025
Zustand: Unfallfrei
Neu / gebraucht: Gebrauchtwagen
Fahrbereit: ja
Zugelassen: ja
Land der Erstauslieferung: Japan
Anzahl Fahrzeughalter: 3
Fahrzeugstandort: NLNiederlande

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