Porsche 928 S

Porsche 928 S

Coupé, 1984


  • Very nice color combination
  • Manual Transmission
  • EU model

Alautomobile srls offers a stupendous Porsche 928 S with manual gearbox.

Year of first registration: 1984 – Km marked on the on-board instrument: 105,943 – Vehicle with certificate of ownership history, always Italian.

Exterior colour: Rauchquartzmettalic – Interior colour: Beige/brown – Dashboard colour: Brown leather

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Das Fahrzeug im Detail

Last service carried out at 104,286km on 04/06/2023 including Engine, Timing Belt, Water Pump Service.

928S that we offer for sale is the „second“ evolution of the 928. The displacement goes from 4.5l to 4.7l and delivers 300 horsepower. The low-first sports manual gearbox placed behind the car offers excellent “transaxle” balance. The gearbox works correctly and allows you to enjoy the engine speeds to a great extent.

The bodywork is very beautiful with its original “Rauchquartzmetallic” (Smoked Quartz) combined with a beige/brown interior making everything warm and welcoming. The upholstery is very beautiful, the leather has been redone respecting the original requirements, the carpet and the leather of the door and dashboard panels are original, free of cracks and defects.

The mechanics run like clockwork, always followed by a Porsche specialist known in Turin, then in the Porsche Erresse center with invoices up to 2020.

Of the Porsche 928, there are perhaps 30 for sale in Italy. Beautiful, with a complete history, no restoration or major restorations and already rarer. A dossier with invoices for works carried out in the last 10 years present, its double keys, the use and maintenance manual present, becomes difficult.

If you are looking for a nice example of a Porsche 928, in working order, serviced and with the right colours, I think I’ll see you soon in the garage! Remember, rarity is an important value!

We look forward to seeing you soon to show you and try it!



Baujahr: 1984
Erstzulassung: April 1984
Modell: 928 S
FIN: wp0zzz92zes841517
Karosserie: Coupé
Baureihe: 928
Laufleistung: 105943 km
Leistung: 310 PS
Hubraum: 5 Liter
Lenkung: links
Getriebe: Manuell
Antrieb: Heckantrieb
Kraftstoff: Benzin
Ausstattung: Servolenkung
Innenmaterial: Bi-Color Leder
Innenfarbe: Beige
Zweite Innenfarbe: Braun
Außenfarbe: Beige/Braun
Hersteller Farbbezeichnung (außen): Rauchquarz Metallic 662
Zustand: Teilrestauriert Unfallfrei
Neu / gebraucht: Gebrauchtwagen
Fahrbereit: ja
Zugelassen: ja
Land der Erstauslieferung: Italien
Anzahl Fahrzeughalter: 5
Fahrzeugstandort: ITItalien

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