Porsche 911 T

Porsche 911 T

Coupé, 1971


  • Great Condition
  • Beautiful Restored

1971 Porsche 911 T

There is something magical about a 911 in its purest form. Something about the size and shape. How obvious it feels and how easy it is to lay your eyes on. Of course there are details and things that catch the eye, but overall it is a very beautiful and elegant shape. Few cars show this better than this 911 T from 1971.

This car has undergone an enormously detailed renovation in recent years to a level that is difficult to describe in words. But the first thing that strikes you when you get into the car is that it feels like getting into a new 54-year-old car. Even when you walk up to the car, you are struck by the overall look. The small, neat body, here in silver metallic, is easily supported by its 14″ Fuchs rims and surrounded by details and elements in brushed and polished aluminum. The closer you get, the more you are struck by the detail work in this renovation. The perfect gaps between the fenders and panels for example.

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Das Fahrzeug im Detail

The first contact surfaces with the car feel delicate but at the same time perfectly balanced for its function. The door handle perfectly clicks open the driver’s door with a sound that only an old Porsche has and you are greeted by an interior that has been renovated to exactly the same standard as the rest of the car. Black leather meets dog-tooth inserts here and forms a wonderful contrast against the charcoal-colored carpet. The thin 360mm steering wheel feels neat and perfect in the hand and is covered in the same black leather as the rest of the interior. Just to the right are the heating controls but not much else. No radio. No distractions. The passenger side is adorned with a simple 911 T emblem.

This is truly a car you can’t stop looking for details in. In the doorway on the driver’s side, you open the hood over the 2.2 liter six-cylinder engine. Your eye falls directly on the details. Such as the yellow enameled screws and fittings that are found throughout the car… The small stickers as instructions and recommendations under the hood. During its renovation, however, the car has been gilded with a series of upgrades that are intended to stiffen and strengthen the chassis. Such as ‚hockey club‘ reinforcements that could be found from the factory in the ‚S‘ model, for example, in the sills and anti-roll bars in combination with stiffer rear wishbone bushes. This has been combined with dampers from Bilstein to give the car a more focused chassis. The brakes have also been updated with steel-braided brake hoses and drilled discs.


Baujahr: 1971
Modell: 911 T
Karosserie: Coupé
Baureihe: 911 F-Modell
Leistung: 125 PS
Hubraum: 2,2 Liter
Lenkung: links
Getriebe: Manuell
Antrieb: Heckantrieb
Kraftstoff: Benzin
Innenmaterial: Leder
Innenfarbe: Schwarz
Außenfarbe: Silber
Zustand: Vollrestauriert
Neu / gebraucht: Gebrauchtwagen
Fahrbereit: ja
Fahrzeugstandort: SESchweden

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Porsche 911 T

Preis: EUR 165.911

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