Porsche 911 S

Porsche 911 S

Coupé, 1971


  • Light Yellow
  • Recaro Seats
  • Matching Numbers

Porsche 911S Coupe 1971

This 911S coupe was originally delivered in Germany in 1971 in the striking color light yellow. This in combination with a black interior makes for a top combination. Currently, improved seats have been installed and there are Recaro seats with pepita upholstery in the car. Furthermore, this 911S is fully matching numbers, which can also be seen on the official Porsche birth certificate, which is present with the car. In addition to this original birth certificate, there is also an original 911S manual, as well as 2 original spare keys (1 red and 1 black).

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Das Fahrzeug im Detail

To make it even better, the entire history of the car is also known and a folder with more than 50 invoices is present with the car.

On April 30, 1971, the car was registered in the name of the first German owner, whose identity is known.

This owner enjoyed the 911S for 3 years, after which it changed to another German owner in October 1974.

After this, the car went to the USA and eventually returned to Europe in 2020.

In addition, there is a very extensive file with all kinds of maintenance invoices, including invoices from the second owner.

Years on the invoices start at 1974 and continue until the present.

In 2021, the entire car was checked by a Porsche specialist and repaired and/or improved where necessary.

The car can be delivered with Dutch registration in consultation.

We can also fully organize transport.

Possible transport options within Europe, both open and closed transport.

Rene van der Wal

Please call in advance as we have two locations, thank you.



Baujahr: 1971
Modell: 911 S
Karosserie: Coupé
Baureihe: 911 F-Modell
Laufleistung: 15959 km
Leistung: 180 PS
Hubraum: 2,2 Liter
Lenkung: links
Getriebe: Manuell
Antrieb: Heckantrieb
Kraftstoff: Benzin
Ausstattung: Schiebedach
Innenmaterial: Stoff
Innenfarbe: Schwarz
Sitzmuster: Pepita
Außenfarbe: Gelb/Gold
Hersteller Farbbezeichnung (außen): Hellgelb 117 / 6262
Matching Numbers: ja
Neu / gebraucht: Gebrauchtwagen
Fahrbereit: ja
Land der Erstauslieferung: Deutschland
Fahrzeugstandort: NLNiederlande

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René van der Wal

René van der Wal von Classics World Erlecom BV freut sich auf deine Anfrage und ist dir gerne behilflich.

Porsche 911 S

Preis: EUR 169.000

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