Porsche 911 S

Porsche 911 S

Targa, 1968


  • Mostly unrestored
  • Desirable colour
  • Great condition

21 years in possession with current owner and mostly in unrestored condition. Therefore very original and rare 2.0 S Targa from MY ’69, the first year of the long wheel base. Lots of history and original service book present as well as matching numbers. If you’re looking for a piece of Porsche history with some nice patina on the car, this might be the car you are looking for!

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Das Fahrzeug im Detail

Late 1968 Mr Karl-Heinz Bóhm had this nice MY 69 – Targa S delivered through his dealership from Schmidt und Koch. Not long after that, this nice little Targa was shipped to California where it spend it’s life until the late 90’s, before it came back to Europe. We have been in contact with the American owner who had the car from 1986 till 1999 and it was Bob Hahn who spotted this car in California. Now with 1 owner since 2003, so the majority of the history of this car is known. When it came back from the States they mounted carburators on the car, which happens more often over there and the first thing done on the car was a fresh mechanic Bosch injection installed on the matching number engine. Since arriving back from the States, the car has done about 38000 km, but was serviced almost each and every year. Targa roof is fitting very well and there is no rust on the car and yes, the paint is of a used car but too good to be repainted in our opinion. The car is only sold because of the very limited usage in the most recent years and we think she deserves better than that! Inspections are welcome, the price is more or less what it needs to be (and what a piece of history is worth!), so please no low ball offers.


Baujahr: 1968
Erstzulassung: Dezember 1968
Modell: 911 S
Karosserie: Targa
Baureihe: 911 F-Modell
Laufleistung: 38600 km
Leistung: 160 PS
Hubraum: 2,0 Liter
Lenkung: links
Getriebe: Manuell
Antrieb: Heckantrieb
Kraftstoff: Benzin
Ausstattung: Schiebedach
Innenmaterial: Kunstleder
Innenfarbe: Schwarz
Außenfarbe: Gelb/Gold
Hersteller Farbbezeichnung (außen): Bahamagelb 6805
Matching Numbers: ja
Neu / gebraucht: Gebrauchtwagen
Fahrbereit: ja
Zugelassen: ja
Land der Erstauslieferung: Deutschland
Fahrzeugstandort: NLNiederlande

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