Porsche 911 S

Porsche 911 S

Targa, 1967


  • Like New Concours Class Rotisserie Restoration
  • Extremely Rare (1 of 483), Matching Numbers Example
  • Rare Special Order Original PTS Tangerine


Highly Desirable, Extremely Rare 1967 911S Soft Window Targa (SWT)

1 of 483 Built, Few Exist.

World Class Nut & Bolt Rotisserie Restoration.

Restored to Absolute Original Perfection in it’s Original „Special Ordered“ (PTS) Tangerine Exterior.

Top-Tier Concours Grade, Nut and Bolt Rotisserie Restoration, Rare Investment Class 1967 911S Soft Window Targa

– Show Quality Tangerine Exterior on Black Leather Interior

– Matching Numbers, Original 1967 911S Soft Window Targa

– 4,000 Hour Full Concours Rotisserie Nut & Bolt Exterior/Interior/Mechanical Restoration

– 12-year SunTek Ceramic Infused Premium Self-Healing Paint Protection Film (PPF) Installed

This Porsche 911S is one of 483 Soft Window Targa cars said to have been built for the 1967 model the year. It was delivered from the factory to the Hans Kahrmann Volkswagen-Porsche dealership in Fulda Germany which was one of the four original Porsche dealerships and is still one of the largest Porsche dealerships. This 911S spent two years in Fulda Germany with all service work being preformed at the factory per Kardex and was shipped to Southern California in 1969 and has remained there since. This 1967 911S still retains its original 1969 California license plates today. A recent nut and bolt 100 point rotisserie restoration was completed. It’s special order (PTS) Tangerine (color code 2002P) was not offered in 1967 as a regular production color

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Das Fahrzeug im Detail

– Extremely Rare (1 of 483), Matching Numbers, Original 1967 911S Soft Window Targa (SWT).

– Show Quality, Rare Special Order Tangerine Exterior on Black Leather Interior.

– 4,000 Hour Full Concours Rotisserie Nut & Bolt Exterior/Interior/Mechanical Restoration.

– 12-year SunTek Ceramic Infused Premium Self-Healing Paint Protection Film (PPF) Installed.

  • The 67S SWT was delivered from the factory to the Hans Kahrmann Volkswagen-Porsche dealership in Fulda Germany which was one of the four original Porsche dealerships and is still one of the largest Porsche dealerships.
  • The 67S SWT spent two years in Fulda Germany with all service work being preformed at the factory per Kardex and was shipped to Southern California in 1969 and has remained there since.
  • Retains its original 1969 California license plates today.
  • Recently completed (8.17.2021) full nut & bolt 100 point rotisserie restoration.
  • Finished in it’s original special order Tangerine color code 2002P (not offered in 1967 as a regular production color).


Baujahr: 1967
Modell: 911 S
Karosserie: Targa
Baureihe: 911 F-Modell
Laufleistung: 500 mi
Leistung: 160 PS
Hubraum: 2.0L Liter
Lenkung: links
Getriebe: Manuell
Antrieb: Heckantrieb
Kraftstoff: Benzin
Innenmaterial: Leder
Innenfarbe: Schwarz
Außenfarbe: Orange
Hersteller Farbbezeichnung (außen): 2002P
Sonderfarbe (PTS): ja
Matching Numbers: ja
Zustand: Vollrestauriert Unfallfrei
Neu / gebraucht: Gebrauchtwagen
Fahrbereit: ja
Fahrzeugstandort: USVereinigte Staaten

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Porsche 911 S

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