Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2

Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2

Targa, 1984


  • Original and correct with CoA
  • Special options
  • New interior

In our opinion, the Carrera 3,2 is perhaps the most reliable, smooth-driving and refined of all classic Porsche 911’s. Someone might argue that a 964 is also a classic 911 and therefore take the title. Right so, but according to Porsche themselves, 85% of the 964 was brand new construction. Hence, we allow ourselves to put the 964 in category with newer generations.

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Das Fahrzeug im Detail

The Carrera 3.2 was presented in 1984 at a time when the 911 model had been in production for over 20 years. Admittedly, the changes from the previous 911 SC were not major. The 3.2 engine however was heavily upgraded, with nikasil-coated cylinders, forged pistons, the crankshaft from the 930 Turbo, a greatly improved tensioner for the cam chain and a completely new electronic engine management system, the new Bosch Motronic 2. Result giving the Carrera 3.2 an engine that was the most powerful, reliable and durable 911 engine to date. As a bonus even with a 10% improved fuel economy compared to the 3.0 engine.

We are always reluctant to predict the price development of classic cars. However, there is no doubt that a well-maintained Carrera 3.2 with low mileage is one of the most valuable investments you can currently make in a classic 911. Even James May from Top Gear, who has a principle of never giving advice about buying a classic car, has made an exception when it comes to the Carrera 3.2. It will be safe money to buy.

This car here is of course matching numbers, documented by CoA from Porsche. Lots of original equipment like the much sought after original fitted Turbo rear spoiler, is on the option list. The factory-fitted equipment includes, among other things, sports shock absorbers, air conditioning, rear seat belts and RUF leather steering wheel. The color Grand Prix Weiss is a classic good color for a Targa, especially with the matching black leather cabin. Originally from California and then imported to Germany in 2015. It was then given a complete new interior in original color leather as well as a thorough mechanically inspection at a recognized Porsche workshop. Everything duly documented with invoices and service records. Car is on the button ready for its new owner, just awaiting to be enjoyed. Located in Copenhagen and delivered with German title.



Baujahr: 1984
Erstzulassung: Juli 1984
Modell: 911 Carrera 3.2
Karosserie: Targa
Baureihe: 911 G-Modell
Laufleistung: 162000 km
Leistung: 231 PS
Hubraum: 3,2 Liter
Lenkung: links
Getriebe: Manuell
Antrieb: Heckantrieb
Kraftstoff: Benzin
Ausstattung: Klimaanlage
Innenmaterial: Leder
Innenfarbe: Schwarz
Außenfarbe: Weiß
Hersteller Farbbezeichnung (außen): Grandprixweiss 908
Matching Numbers: ja
Neu / gebraucht: Gebrauchtwagen
Fahrbereit: ja
Zugelassen: ja
Land der Erstauslieferung: Vereinigte Staaten
Fahrzeugstandort: DKDänemark

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Jesper Wiinholt

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Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2

Preis: EUR 62.000

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