Porsche 356 C
- EU car - Delivered new in German
- FULL matching - Colors - sheet metal!!
- Only 600km after full restoration!
„… Brings more pure sensual delight to the road than anything else on wheels“.
For those only slightly familiar with classic cars, you will surely know and recognise a Porsche 356 as it catches your eye. Clearly descended from the Beetle, it is distinctly sleeker, sexier and more sophisticated.
Other than being economical like the Beetle, the 356 had one more mission: performance & joy! After various development (356 pre-A, A & B series), we reach the 4th and last series: the 356C. This is the most cutting-edge 356 model featuring standard disc brakes and the 75 hp ‚1600 super‘ engine. It certainly succeeded in its original intent in its convertible variant!