Porsche 356 B 1600 Roadster

Porsche 356 B 1600 Roadster

Roadster, 1962


  • Matching Numbers
  • Twin Grille Roadster
  • 55 years of single ownership

For sale: With only 247 pieces built one of the rarest 356 on todays market!

1962 356 B T6 bodied D’Ieteren Twin Grille Roadster. Matching Numbers – 55 years off single ownership – Recently major serviced – All original panels and floors

Factory Specifications: Elfenbein (Now Signal Red) – Leather Black

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Das Fahrzeug im Detail

History This car was sold new by Porsche Car Pacific San Fransisco to its first owner in Januari 1962. Based on our information the car was sold in 1971 to its second owner who kept it until we bought it. The original Californian Black plate is still with the car.


Body and paint The preservation of the body is amazing. Absolutely no rust and never had rust. All floors are original to the car. Doors, front deck lid are also the factory original ones. Perfect body lines and gaps.


In its early life the car had a color change from white to red. It was done very properly. Especially for that time. The paint still has a deep gloss and only has some minor imperfections.


The interior is partial original in a very nice condition. Doorcards and dash are still the factory ones! Carpet, top and seats are redone. All with the correct factory specifications.

Technical This 356 was parked for nearly 25 years before we bought it. Based on the information which we the following work was done before it was parked.

  • Engine rebuilt. The matching numbers engine was completely rebuilt and the set up was changed to a 90HP engine. Solex carburetors etc.
  • New Koni shocks
  • Drum brakes revision
  • Gearbox rebuilt

We did the following work:

  • Oil service
  • Cleaned Carburators
  • New Michelin Tires

This Roadster drives like new.
This true collectors piece comes with:

  • Kardex
  • US title/Dutch registration
  • Some history
  • Original manual


Baujahr: 1962
Modell: 356 B 1600 Roadster
Karosserie: Roadster
Baureihe: 356
Laufleistung: 23000 km
Leistung: 60 PS
Hubraum: 1,6 Liter
Lenkung: links
Getriebe: Manuell
Antrieb: Heckantrieb
Kraftstoff: Benzin
Innenmaterial: Leder
Innenfarbe: Schwarz
Außenfarbe: Rot
Zustand: Unfallfrei
Neu / gebraucht: Gebrauchtwagen
Fahrbereit: ja
Fahrzeugstandort: NLNiederlande

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Porsche 356 B 1600 Roadster

Preis: EUR 259.950

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