Porsche 964 Carrera 4

Porsche 964 Carrera 4

Targa, 1993


  • Very rare engine upgrade 270 bhp
  • Exclusive interior
  • Full history file and books

We hereby offer you this beautiful 964 Targa. Executed in unique specifications and beautifully documented.

Shown on the delivery invoice with „Motorleistungssteigerung“ package!

Equiped with full exclusive interior

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Das Fahrzeug im Detail

This Targa was ordered by the first owner from Porsche Zentrum Osnabruck, Germany in 1993, as evidenced by the still present purchase invoice. The unique configuration can be seen on it. With the absolute unique feature, the option:

„Motorleistungssteigerungs“ . This is a very rare option which was installed at the dealer at the time. It increased the output from 250 to 270 bhp.

Also catching the eye is the beautiful colour scheme. The exterior in Nightblue metallic with a full leather interior combined in the colours light grey and night blue. This was a special „colour of your choice“ option ordered through the exclusive department at Porsche.
This 964 is beautifully documented with many invoices and of course the original service booklets showing regular maintenance. The last owner also detailed the entire Porsche, leaving also the underside of the car spotless.
Please contact us for more information.



Baujahr: 1993
Erstzulassung: Oktober 1993
Modell: 964 Carrera 4
Karosserie: Targa
Baureihe: 964
Laufleistung: 93491 km
Leistung: 270 PS
Hubraum: 3,6 Liter
Lenkung: links
Getriebe: Manuell
Antrieb: Allradantrieb
Kraftstoff: Benzin
Ausstattung: ABS Airbag Servolenkung Navigationssystem Klimaanlage
Innenmaterial: Leder
Innenfarbe: Grau
Außenfarbe: Blau
Hersteller Farbbezeichnung (außen): Nachtblau Perlcolor 39C
Matching Numbers: ja
Zustand: Unfallfrei
Neu / gebraucht: Gebrauchtwagen
Fahrbereit: ja
Zugelassen: ja
Land der Erstauslieferung: Deutschland
Fahrzeugstandort: NLNiederlande

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