Porsche 912

Porsche 912

Coupé, 1969


  • Bahama Yellow (6805)
  • Interior in mint condition
  • Original color


This Porsche 912 Coupé LWB is from 1969.

In the last year of production, Porsche extended the wheelbase of the 912 to improve driving characteristics. The long wheelbase (LWB). A total of 36,316 Porsche 912s were produced, of which only 3,913 LWBs were produced in 1969. So very rare.

This 912 still has the original color it left the factory with: Bahama yellow (color code 6805). In 2009 the car was completely repainted. In general, the paint looks neat, the engine cover (3 cm) is damaged and the left door has a scratch. The interior is in mint condition.

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Das Fahrzeug im Detail

The car came to the Netherlands in 2008 from sunny California. As a result, the bottom has remained very smooth. In 2008, the entire restoration started, which was completed in 2009. The entire technique has also been addressed (engine and 4-speed gearbox). Incidentally, the engine is not matching, but it is period correct.
The Dutch owner owned it for 15 years until last month and took very good care of it.

From 2009 there is a correctly registered mileage.

The car runs, drives and steers well. And is exempt from MOT or tax. Because the car has stood still for a long time and MOT is free, we recommend that you check it completely.

– Identification plate is located in the boot
– Color code plate is still in the doorway
– Original color (Bahama yellow) very rare
– California license plate is still present
– No sunroof
– F model
– NAP odometer report available

Very correct and rare car in the popular F-model.


Baujahr: 1969
Modell: 912
Karosserie: Coupé
Baureihe: 912
Leistung: 90 PS
Hubraum: 1,6 Liter
Lenkung: links
Getriebe: Manuell
Antrieb: Heckantrieb
Kraftstoff: Benzin
Innenmaterial: Leder
Innenfarbe: Schwarz
Außenfarbe: Gelb/Gold
Hersteller Farbbezeichnung (außen): Bahamagelb 6805
Neu / gebraucht: Gebrauchtwagen
Fahrbereit: ja
Fahrzeugstandort: NLNiederlande

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