Porsche 356 B 1600

Porsche 356 B 1600

Coupé, 1961


  • Notchback
  • Restored some years ago
  • Sold new at Brumos Porsche

Nice 356 B T6 unit, “Karmann hardtop” or “Notchback” model produced in 1961 and 1962 only. Essentially a convertible body with the optional steel hardtop welded in place.

Sold in the United States, in November 1961 (1962 model) at BRUMOS Porsche, a famous Dealership locatid in Jacksonville (Florida-USA). Imported to Spain and registered as a historical vehicle. It has a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) and Kardex.

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Das Fahrzeug im Detail

Mechanically in very good condition. Recently completed service.

The bodywork was restored a few years ago, although it is not documented. Due to the little use of the vehicle since then, its condition is very good. This unit maintains its original color Rubi Red (6202b) as it appears on the Porsche certificate and original Kardex.

Regarding the authenticity, it should be noted that the engine number is „matching type and matching period„, that is, it corresponds to the era and model, but the exact engine number does not match, with what we assume was replaced in the past.

With the Notchback body, what Porsche wanted is to offer a vehicle with more spacious rear seats. For this he took the body of the 356 Cabriolet and welded a Hardtop. This roof at the rear does not have the drop of the roof of the Coupé versions, therefore, the rear passengers have more space above the head and can travel with more space and more comfortably. Another attraction of this version is its Cabriolet rear bonnet, which gives the car’s silhouette a unique lines. These details make the unknown Notchback a very exclusive version. The fact that it was only manufactured during a few months of 1961 and a few months of 1962, means that less than 1,750 units were manufactured. These figures make it one of the versions of the 356 with fewer units produced, even less than the more expensive Speedster.

Another curiosity of this model is that, knowing that it really has a Cabriolet body, many owners cut the roof, turning their Nothcback into a 356 convertible. Therefore with this modification, many Notchbacks lost their essence. In this regard, our 356 is totally original and ready to enjoy.

  • VIN: 201.639
  • Engine number: 608.032 actual (606.802 original)
  • Gearbox: 50.487
  • Body color: Rubinrot (6202B)


Baujahr: 1961
Erstzulassung: November 1961
Modell: 356 B 1600
Karosserie: Coupé
Baureihe: 356
Laufleistung: 89632 km
Leistung: 60 PS
Hubraum: 1,6 Liter
Lenkung: links
Getriebe: Manuell
Antrieb: Heckantrieb
Kraftstoff: Benzin
Innenmaterial: Kunstleder
Innenfarbe: Beige
Außenfarbe: Rot
Neu / gebraucht: Gebrauchtwagen
Fahrbereit: ja
Zugelassen: ja
Fahrzeugstandort: ESSpanien

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