Porsche 911 S

Porsche 911 S

Targa, 1972


  • Ölklappe (Oil flap) model
  • Black/Beige
  • Matching Numbers

The proposed car is a Porsche 911 2.4S Targa from 1972, equipped with the oil trap, Italian origin, in a configuration of origin Black / Beige . It has retained the characteristics of the Italian, namely the front lights with white turn signals (amber part of the fire of smaller size than on a French) and round Durant mirror (as on the 2.2 against a small rectangular on the French 2.4) .

She lived in Italy until 2012, before moving to Belgium until 2015 and in France since. It has been completely restored from a bare chassis a little ten years ago (documented restoration).

This Targa is of course matching numbers / color .

The car is in very good condition. The painting is beautiful and tense. The alignments are excellent. The interior is in perfect condition, only incongruity a modern car radio is mounted in the car we will replace it with a car radio more suitable for the car. A full protection polish will be applied to the body by our partner Detailing Paris, black being very sensitive as color.

In mechanics, it works perfectly. The start is done without any worries, the engine is full and angry. It works without abnormal noises or smoke. The box absolutely does not stick, the passages of reports are easy.

The car is coming out of revision at Porsche, and is ready to go. It is visible in our premises by appointment.

Possible financing up to 60 months. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Photo credits Kevin Von Campenhout for Eleven Cars

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Das Fahrzeug im Detail

The very first 911 made its debut at the Frankfurt show 1963 under the name Type 901. Called to succeed the Porsche 356, from the outset it was unanimously among sports car enthusiasts.

To find the name of its new model, Porsche referred to Volkswagen’s spare parts numbering system, with a view to future cooperation between the two groups. It was a year later that the Type 901 abandoned its prototype status and was to be presented under the final name of 901. It was not counting on the intervention of Peugeot who saw in this denomination a violation of its intellectual property, Peugeot justifying the use since 1929 of a 3-digit numbering with a 0 in the middle. In November 1964, Ferry Porsche finally decided to call it 911, for practical reasons. The car was initially marketed with a 130 hp 2-liter, then an S version of 160 hp in 1966. The range developed gradually with the In 1967, Porsche will offer the Targa versions with their convertible roof  and the famous chrome bow. The first versions (until 68) will be proposed in soft window, solution which will be abandoned then in favor of a hard telescope.

In 1969, Porsche increased the displacement of its flat 6 to 2.2 liters, still with the three models T (125 hp), E (155 hp) and S (180 hp). The E and S were in Bosch mechanical injection, the T retaining the Zenith carburetors (identical scheme to 2.0l). The 2.2 was abandoned in 1972 in favor of the 2.4 liters, retaining the three denominations T (140cv), E (165 cv) and S (190 cv) . The year 1973 will also be marked by the appearance of the legendary 2.7 RS (210 hp) with its duck tail.

The first 911 2.4 (AM72) are recognizable by their entourage of chrome indicators and especially their oil trap on the right rear fender. Oil hatch that was abandoned on the AM73, its location being misleading for some … The AM73 is also characterized by the surrounding flashing black.


Baujahr: 1972
Erstzulassung: September 1972
Modell: 911 S
Karosserie: Targa
Baureihe: 911 F-Modell
Laufleistung: 88170 km
Leistung: 190 PS
Hubraum: 2,4 Liter
Lenkung: links
Getriebe: Manuell
Antrieb: Heckantrieb
Innenmaterial: Leder
Innenfarbe: Beige
Außenfarbe: Schwarz
Hersteller Farbbezeichnung (außen): Schwarz 700
Matching Numbers: ja
Zustand: Vollrestauriert
Neu / gebraucht: Gebrauchtwagen
Fahrbereit: ja
Land der Erstauslieferung: Italien
Fahrzeugstandort: FRFrankreich

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